This is a modified version of the external_img function from the officer package for use in rmd2word. The modification is to allow the use of the knitr chunk options out.width and/or out.height to set the dimensions of a figure (R-generated or external image) when the output format is a Word document. This functionality is not normally available.

ext_img(src, width = 0.5, height = 0.2, alt = "", ref_docx_dim)



image file path


width in inches


height in inches


alternative text for images


A list containing the components page (a named numeric vector containing the width and height), landscape (a logical vector) and margins (a named numeric vector containing the top, bottom, left, right, header and footer margins). See Details.


An object of class c("external_img", "cot", "run") with attributes "dims" (a named list containing the figure's width and height) and "alt" (a character scalar containing the alternative text for the figure).


If in the current R code chunk out.width or out.height have been set then the corresponding values of fig.width and fig.height are inferred from the dimensions of the figure and the page dimensions of the output Word document. The former are obtained using readPNG or readJPEG as appropriate. If only one of out.width or out.height are set then the aspect ratio of the figure is preserved.

ref_docx_dim can be produced using officer::docx_dim(officer::read_docx(doc)), where doc is an docx_dim object and docx_dim and read_docx are functions in the officer package.


This function has been designed for use inside rmd2word but the object returned has the same structure as that returned from external_img. Outside the context of a knitr R code chunk the outputs from external_img and ext_img are identical.


# Example from the officer::external_img() documentation
# Wrap R logo with external_img ----
srcfile <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
extimg <- ext_img(src = srcfile, height = 1.06 / 2, width = 1.39 / 2)