These movies are animations used to illustrate key statistical ideas. They are produced using the rpanel package.


When one of these functions is called R opens up a small parameter window containing clickable buttons that can be used to change parameters underlying the plot. For the effects of these buttons see the documentation of the individual functions.

See vignette("smovie-vignette", package = "smovie") for an overview of the package and the user-friendly menu panel.

There are movies on the following topics.


Bowman, A., Crawford, E., Alexander, G. and Bowman, R. W. (2007). rpanel: Simple Interactive Controls for R Functions Using the tcltk Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17(9), 1-18. doi:10.18637/jss.v017.i09 .


Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop [copyright holder]