Creates accessible html documents using R markdown's html_document argument to render. Zip archives of the html files may be created.

  zip = if (length(x) == 1 & !add) FALSE else TRUE,
  pdf = FALSE,
  pdf_args = list(),
  zip_pdf = zip,
  add = FALSE,
  quiet = TRUE,
  rm_html = FALSE,
  rm_pdf = FALSE,



A character vector containing the names (no extension) of the .Rmd files to convert if they are in the current working directory, or paths to the files, either absolute or relative to the current working directory, e.g., DIRECTORY/file1. The .html files are created in the same directory as their respective .Rmd file. If x is missing then an html file is created from each of the .Rmd files in the current working directory.


A logical scalar or character vector indicating whether html files should be put into a zip archive. If zip = FALSE then no zip archive is created. Otherwise, an archive is created in each unique directory involved in x. If zip = TRUE each archive of html files is named If zip is a character vector of zip file names (no extension) then these names are used to name the zip archives. The names are recycled to the length of the number of unique directories, if necessary.


A logical scalar. If pdf = TRUE then each html file is printed to a PDF file using chrome_print. Google Chrome (or an alternative browser specified in pdf_args by the browser argument to chrome_print must be installed prior to use of this option. An error message like Error in servr::random_port(NULL) : Cannot find an available TCP port means that the random_port function in the servr package could not find an internet connection that Chrome considers secure. Perhaps you are using a coffee shop's wifi.


A list of arguments passed to chrome_print. input cannot be passed because it is set inside rmd2html.


As zip, but relates to the creation of zip archives for any PDF files created. If zip_pdf = TRUE then each archive is named


A logical scalar that determines what happens if an output zip file already exists. If add = TRUE then files are added to the zip file and if add = FALSE then the zip file is deleted and will only contain newly-created files.


Argument of the same name passed to render to determine what is printed during rendering from knitr.


A logical scalar. If rm_html = TRUE and a zip archive of html files is produced then the individual html files are deleted. Otherwise, they are not deleted.


A logical scalar. If rm_pdf = TRUE and a zip archive of pdf files is produced then the individual pdf files are deleted. Otherwise, they are not deleted.


Additional arguments passed to html_document or render.


In addition to creating the html files, and perhaps zip files, a list containing the following (character vector) components is returned invisibly:


(absolute) paths and file names of the files added to a zip file.


(relative) paths and names of all the zip files.


Information such as title, author, lang etc in the YAML header in the Rmd file are used but output is ignored.

The simplest setup is to have the .Rmd files in the current working directory, in which case rmd2html() will create HTML documents from all these Rmd files, the .Rmd files may be in different directories.

The render function, with the argument output_file = html_document creates the html files.

See also


# Create an HTML document from example.Rmd
got_hux <- requireNamespace("huxtable", quietly = TRUE)
got_flex <- requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)
got_pandoc <- rmarkdown::pandoc_available("1.14")
got_all <- got_hux && got_flex && got_pandoc
# This example needs packages huxtable and flextable
if (got_all) {
  ex_file <- system.file(package = "accessr", "examples", "example.Rmd")
  file.copy(ex_file, tdir <- tempdir(check = TRUE), overwrite = TRUE)
  ex_file <- list.files(tdir, pattern = "example.Rmd", full.names = TRUE)
  ex_file <- sub(".Rmd", "", ex_file)