From a single R markdown file create HTML slides, PDF slides, Word and PDF documents.

  outputs = c("ioslides", "word"),
  slide_level = 1,
  css = "black",
  add18 = TRUE,
  pdf = TRUE,
  highlight = list(word = "monochrome", ioslides = NULL, slidy = NULL, html = NULL),
  params = NULL,
  zip = TRUE,



A character vector containing the names (no extension) of the .Rmd files to convert if they are in the current working directory, or paths to the files, either absolute or relative to the current working directory, e.g., DIRECTORY/file1. The output files are created in the same directory as their respective .Rmd file.


A character vector. Specifies the output formats required. A subset of c("word", "ioslides", "slidy", "html"). If more than one of "ioslides", "slidy" and "html" are present then only one of these is used with the order of preference "ioslides", "slidy" then "html".


Passed to rmd2ioslides via .... The default slide_level = 1 means that a level one header # create a new non-segue slide for an ioslides presentation.


The argument css passed to ioslides_presentation or slidy_presentation. If css = "black" then accessr's css file black.css is used, which results in black text being used in the slides. css is not used if outputs = html.


A logical scalar. If TRUE then we also create Word documents with 18pt text.


A logical scalar. If TRUE then we use chrome_print to print PDF versions of HTML files produced using the output "ioslides" or "slidy". and/or OfficeToPDF.exe to create PDF files from any Word documents that are produced.


A named list, with names a subset of c("word", "ioslides", "slidy"), providing the respective syntax highlighting styles passed to Pandoc for the output formats. Any syntax highlighting provided in css will take precedence. highlight is not used if outputs = html.


A list of named parameters to pass as the argument params to render. In the example below, the file example.Rmd has a parameter hide. If hide = TRUE then parts of the output are hidden using the knitr chunk options echo and eval.


A logical scalar or character vector indicating whether PDF files should be put into a zip archive. If zip = FALSE then no zip archive is created. Otherwise, an archive is created in each unique directory involved in x. If zip = TRUE then any archive created is named after the first filename in x from the relevant directory. If zip is a character vector of zip file names (no extension) then these names are used to name the zip archives. The names are recycled to the length of the number of unique directories if necessary.


Additional arguments to be passed to rmd2ioslides, rmd2slidy, rmd2word or rmd2html.


A list containing the following components:


names of all the files created.


names of all zip files created (if zip = TRUE).


The default setting creates, for each valid filename in x, the following files

  • filename.html: lecture slides in ioslides format.

  • filename_slides.pdf: a PDF document containing the content in filename.html.

  • filename.pdf: a PDF document created from a Word document produced by rmd2word.

  • filename.docx: a Word document.

  • filename18pt.docx: a Word document. If add18 = TRUE then a template Word document with 18pt bold text is used.

  • a zip file containing all the files produced.


# Create documents from example.Rmd
got_hux <- requireNamespace("huxtable", quietly = TRUE)
got_flex <- requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)
got_pandoc <- rmarkdown::pandoc_available("1.14")
got_all <- got_hux && got_flex && got_pandoc
# This example needs packages huxtable and flextable
# We pass pdf = FALSE because OfficeToPDF is needed to convert Word to PDF
# and this is only relevant on  Windows Operating System.
if (got_all) {
  ex_file <- system.file(package = "accessr", "examples", "example.Rmd")
  file.copy(ex_file, tdir <- tempdir(check = TRUE), overwrite = TRUE)
  ex_file <- list.files(tdir, pattern = "example.Rmd", full.names = TRUE)
  ex_file <- sub(".Rmd", "", ex_file)
  rmd2many(ex_file, params = list(hide = TRUE), pdf = FALSE, zip = TRUE)
#> $files
#> [1] "C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMv3gYl/example.html"    
#> [2] "C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMv3gYl/example18pt.docx"
#> [3] "C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMv3gYl/example.docx"    
#> $zips
#> [1] "C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMv3gYl/"