Provides functions to produce accessible HTML and PDF documents from input R markdown files. Currently, accessr only provides the option to produce accessible PDF files on a Windows Operating System. One aspect of accessibility is providing a headings structure that is recognised by a screen reader, providing a navigational tool for a blind or partially-sighted person. A key aim is to produce documents of different formats from each of a collection of R markdown source files. A user-supplied template Word document can be used to determine the formatting of an output Word document. Similar functions produce HTML slides and HTML documents. A zip file containing multiple files can be produced. The option to print HTML output to (non-accessible) PDF files is also available.


See the accessr package page on Github for more information. An example Rmd file is available at system.file(package = "accessr", "examples", "example.Rmd").

On a Windows Operating System, Accessible PDF documents are produced by creating Word documents from R markdown files and then PDF documents from these Word documents. The first step uses the render function from the rmarkdown package and the rdocx_document function from the officedown package. The second step uses OfficeToPDF.

The main functions in accessr are:

  • rmd2many: create HTML slides, PDF slides, Word and PDF documents from a single R markdown file.

  • rmd2word: create Word documents and accessible PDF files.

    install_otp: convenience function to install OfficeToPDF, to create PDF files from Word documents in rmd2word. ext_img: a function to enable the knitr chunk options out.width and/or out.height to work when the output format is a Word document

  • rmd2ioslides: create ioslides presentations and perhaps print to (non-accessible) PDF documents.

  • rmd2slidy: create slidy presentations and perhaps print to (non-accessible) PDF documents..

  • rmd2html: create html documents and perhaps print to (non-accessible) PDF documents.

The rmd2? functions provide the option to create a zip archive containing the output files. All the .Rmd files in a directory can be processed with one function call. Information such as title, author, lang etc in the YAML header in the Rmd file are used but output is ignored.


David Gohel and Noam Ross (2021). officedown: Enhanced 'R Markdown' Format for 'Word' and 'PowerPoint'. R package version 0.3.1.

JJ Allaire, Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Jonathan McPherson, Javier Luraschi, Kevin Ushey, Aron Atkins, Hadley Wickham, Joe Cheng, Winston Chang, and Richard Iannone (2024). rmarkdown: Dynamic Documents for R. R package version 2.26,


Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop [copyright holder]