How did revdbayes start?
- I needed to sample quickly and automatically from
many EV (generalised Pareto) posteriors
threshold selection based on
- out-of-sample EV predictions
- leave-one-out cross-validation
- wanted to account for parameter uncertainty
- wanted to avoid MCMC tuning and convergence diagnostics
What does revdbayes do?
- Direct sampling from (simple) EV posterior distributions
- Has similar functionality to evdbayes
method |
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) |
ratio-of-uniforms (ROU) |
tuning |
required |
largely automatic |
sample |
dependent |
random |
checking |
yes |
no |
\(d\)-dimensional continuous \(X = (X_1, \ldots, X_d)\) with density \(\propto\) \(f(x)\)
If \((u, v_1, \ldots, v_d)\) are
uniformly distributed over
\[ C(r) = \left\{ (u, v_1, \ldots, v_d): 0
< u \leq \left[ f\left( \frac{v_1}{u^r}, \ldots, \frac{v_d}{u^r}
\right) \right] ^ {1/(r d + 1)} \right\} \]
for some \(r \geq 0\), then \((v_1 / u ^r, \ldots, v_d / u ^ r)\) has
density \(f(x) / \int f(x) {\rm
Acceptance-rejection algorithm
- simulate uniformly over a \((d+1)\)-dimensional bounding box \(\{ 0 < u \leq a(r), \, b_i^-(r) \leq v_i \leq
b_i^+(r), \, i = 1, \ldots, d \}\)
- if simulated \((u, v_1, \ldots, v_d) \in
C(r)\) then accept \(x = (v_1 / u ^r,
\ldots, v_d / u ^ r)\)
\(f\) must be bounded
\(C(r)\) must be ‘boxable’
Increasing efficiency
\[ p_a(d, r) = \frac{\int f(x) {\rm
~d}x}{(r d + 1) \, a(r) \displaystyle\prod_{i=1}^d \left[b_i^+(r)
-b_i^-(r) \right]} \]
Relocate the mode to zero (hard-coded into
Choice of \(r\)
(\(r = 1/2\) optimal for zero-mean
Rotation (\(d >
1\)): the weaker the association the better
Transformation: symmetric better than
(EV posteriors can exhibit strong dependence and asymmetry)
Acceptance region for N(10, 1)

- 1D normal
- 1D log-normal
- 2D normal
- 1D gamma
For fun!
Can you find simple (1D) examples that throw
Use ?Distributions
for possibilities
Summary of ROU and rust
- Can be useful for
- suitable low-dimensional distributions
- for which a bespoke method does not exist
- Box-Cox transformation requires positive variable(s)
- to do: generalise to Yeo-Johnson transformation
- Cannot be used in all cases
- unbounded densities: perhaps OK after transformation
- heavy tails: choose \(r\)
appropriately and/or transform
- multi-modal: OK in theory, but need to find global optima
See When
can rust be used?
Bayesian EV analyses
Prior \(\pi(\theta)\) for model parameter vector
Likelihood \(L(\theta
\mid \mbox{data})\)
Posterior \(\pi(\theta
\mid \mbox{data})\) via Bayes’ theorem \[ \pi(\theta \mid \mbox{data}) = \frac{L(\theta
\mid \mbox{data}) \pi(\theta)}{P(\mbox{data})} = \frac{L(\theta \mid
\mbox{data}) \pi(\theta)}{\int L(\theta \mid \mbox{data}) \pi(\theta)
\,\mbox{d}\theta} \]
- Simulate a large sample from \(\pi(\theta
\mid \mbox{data})\), often using MCMC
In revdbayes
- 4 standard univariate models: GEV, OS, GP, PP
- Simplest, i.i.d. case
GP model for threshold excesses 1
Negative association + asymmetry \(\phantom{\xi + \sigma / x_{(m)}}\)

GP model for threshold excesses 2
Rotation about the MAP estimate based on the Hessian at the MAP \(\phantom{\xi + \sigma / x_{(m)}}\)

GP model for threshold excesses 3
Box-Cox transformations of \(\phi_1 =
\sigma_u > 0\) and \(\phi_2 = \xi +
\sigma / x_{(m)} > 0\)

GP model for threshold excesses 4
Box-Cox first then rotate \(\phantom{\xi +
\sigma / x_{(m)}}\)

Other models in revdbayes
- GEV for block (annual?) maxima
- Order statistics (OS): largest \(k\) observations per block
- Non-homogeneous point process (PP) for threshold exceedances
- approximates binomial for threshold exceedance and GP for
- GEV parameterisation: \((\mu, \sigma,
- choice of block length affects posterior sampling efficiency
GP and binomial-GP
- compare ROU posterior sampling approaches
- posterior predictive model checking
- predictive inference
PP: sampling efficiently from the posterior
GEV: compare
Options to experiment
- changing threshold
- playing with function arguments
- Very simple EV models
- ROU efficiency drops with number of parameters
Current uses
Threshold Selection and Uncertainty for Extreme Value Analysis
: a bivariate dependence function (many
posterior samples required)
: threshold stability plot
of the extremal index using the \(K\)-gaps model