Constructs an informative prior for GEV parameters (\(\mu, \sigma, \xi\)), constructed on the probability scale. For information about how to set this prior see set_prior.

gev_prob(pars, quant, alpha, min_xi = -Inf, max_xi = Inf, trendsd = 0)



A numeric vector of length 3. GEV parameters (\(\mu, \sigma, \xi\)).


A numeric vector of length 3 containing quantiles (\(q_1, q_2, q_3\)) such that \(q_1 < q_2 < q_3\). If the values in quant are not ordered from smallest to largest then they will be ordered inside set_prior without warning.


A numeric vector of length 4. Parameters specifying a prior distribution for probabilities related to the quantiles in quant. See Details below.


A numeric scalar. Prior lower bound on \(\xi\).


A numeric scalar. Prior upper bound on \(\xi\).


Has no function other than to achieve compatibility with function in the evdbayes package.


The log of the prior density.


A prior for GEV parameters \((\mu, \sigma, \xi)\), based on Crowder (1992). This construction is typically used to set an informative prior, based on specified quantiles \(q_1, q_2, q_3\). There are two interpretations of the parameter vector alpha = \((\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3, \alpha_4)\): as the parameters of beta distributions for ratio of exceedance probabilities (Stephenson, 2016) and as the parameters of a Dirichlet distribution for differences between non-exceedance probabilities (Northrop et al., 2017). See these publications for details.


Crowder, M. (1992) Bayesian priors based on parameter transformation using the distribution function Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 44, 405-416.

Northrop, P. J., Attalides, N. and Jonathan, P. (2017) Cross-validatory extreme value threshold selection and uncertainty with application to ocean storm severity. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics, 66(1), 93-120. doi:10.1111/rssc.12159

Stephenson, A. (2016) Bayesian inference for extreme value modelling. In Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis: Methods and Applications (eds D. K. Dey and J. Yan), 257-280, Chapman and Hall, London. doi:10.1201/b19721 .

See also

set_prior for setting a prior distribution.

rpost and rpost_rcpp for sampling from an extreme value posterior distribution.

Sets the same prior as the function prior.prob in the evdbayes package.