Voting results and demographic data for the state of Florida in the United States presidential election in the year 2000.



A data frame with 67 observations on 22 variables. Each row relates to a county in Florida.

  • Columns 1-4, county identifiers and location: county number co, county name co_names, latitude in degrees north lat, longitude in degrees west lon.

  • Columns 5-12, county demographic variables: population in 1997 npop, percentage of whites in 1996 whit, percentage of blacks in 1996 blac, percentage of Hispanics in 1996 hisp, percentage of the population aged 65 and over in 1996 o65, percentage of the population that graduated from high school (1990 census) hsed, percentage of the population that graduated from college (1990 census) coll, mean personal income (1994) inco.

  • Columns 13-22, numbers of votes for candidates: Bush bush, Gore gore, Browne brow, Nader nade, Harris harr, Hagelin hage, Buchanan buch, McReynolds mcre, Phillips phil, Moorehead moor.

  • Column 23, total number of votes cast: tvot.

For full details see Tables 1 to 4 of Smith (2002).


Smith, R. L. (2002) A Statistical Assessment of Buchanan's Vote in Palm Beach County, Statistical Science, 17(4), 441-457,