These data are discussed in the first STAT0002 lecture. In a paper (Dalal et al., 1989) these data are analysed with a view to estimating (retrospectively) the probability of a catastrophic failure of the Challenger space shuttle under the launch conditions on 28th January 1986.



A dataframe with 24 rows and 5 columns:

  • flight: the flight number.

  • date: the date.

  • damaged: the number of O-rings with thermal distress.

  • temperature: temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit.

  • pressure: pressure, pounds per square inch.

The first 23 rows contain data for test flights. The last row contains the data for the ill-fated flight on 28th January 1986, where the number of damaged 0-rings is missing (NA).


Dalal, S. R, Fowlkes, E. B. and Hoadley, B. (1989) Risk Analysis of the Space Shuttle: Pre-Challenger Prediction of Failure. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84(408), 945-957.