A movie to illustrate uncertainty in the linear logistic regression curves fitted to the real space shuttle data.

shuttle_movie(n_reps = 1, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos))



An integer scalar. Relevant to shuttle_movie only. The number of flights to simulate for each of the 23 (pre-disaster) temperatures in the real dataset. For example, n_reps = 10 means that we simulate a dataset of size 230.


A numeric integer. Used in calls to assign to make information available across successive frames of a movie. By default, uses the current environment.


An alternative way (to pos) of specifying the environment. See environment.


Nothing is returned, only the animation is produced.


shuttle_movie produces an animated version of the plot produced by shuttle_sim_plot. Calling `shuttle_movie` creates a plot containing the real data and the logistic curve fitted to the real data and opens a parameter window containing buttons labelled + and -. Clicking + adds to the plot a new simulated dataset and the logistic curve fitted to this dataset. Clicking - removes the mostly recently added dataset.

See also

stat0002movies: general information about the movies.

shuttle_sim and shuttle_sim simulation of fake space shuttle data (from a linear logistic regression model) and plotting these data, respectively.


# Movie based on datasets of size 23

# Movie based on datasets of size 230
shuttle_movie(n_reps = 10)